Sunday, May 16, 2010

Someone stop me...

Oh my goodness, I am doing two blogs in one night...I think I've lost my mind! Oh well, its for your benefit, so, enjoy the last of my most recent pictures!! :-)

Here's Ryan wearing mommy's shoes in his undies...classic!!

Martin powerwashed our small little patio this week with the beautiful weather and we all kinda got summer fever. The guys are playin in the tent...Ryan sooo wants to go camping now!

Guy time.

I can't believe I can say this, but I am almost up to date on photos! AMAZING! I'll end with this cool video I took tonight of the Thunderstorm. Have a great week everyone!

Venturing out

We've had some amazing, 70 degree days here and I am LOVING IT! Last week I got out of the house with Heidi and went up the Mckenzie to watch Emily's track meet. Heidi was either nuts or really ambitious that day because Martin was working and I had to take BOTH boys with. Thank goodness for the beautiful weather!! Here are some pictures of the meet.
The story goes like this...we got there in time for Heidi to video Emily povaulting, but unfortunately I had to watch it later because she had to literally run across the track to get it on tape. We were running a bit I usually am ;-)

But I did get some pretty amazing pics of a kid named Cameron who also povaults. He is a "beast" as Emily would say! I think he topped out at 13.9 feet! NUTS! Emily has only gotten over 7 feet, but she's still got 3 years to go, not too shabby for her very first year doing it. Here is the lone picture I have of Emily competing in the 100 meter, she's running her heart's the one closest to us in red with black shorts.

This one shows how nuts you gotta be to do this event! OY VEY!

Here's where we parked ourselves.

Wyatt venturing out...ya, ya, I know, I forgot his shoes...but in my defense, he's not walking...yet.

Our future povaulter ;-) Well, maybe not, but he was loving the povault pit and bar!

Here's how the boys ended the beautiful day.

Monday, May 10, 2010

To be honest...

Mothers day this year meant a little more. Not so much of the "Awww, being a mommy is always easy and fun" it was more of a "PHEW I made it through almost one year with two boys!" Don't get me wrong, I love my boys-but they are such different boys- and since Wyatt has started moving, our household has become a battlefield. Toys are always "MINE" and usually traded, not shared. Mealtimes always begin with someone whining or fussing over wanting something else or wanting it NOW! Whenever the front door opens you would think my kids never get to leave the house because they are both crying to get out.

My idea of a good day is if I get the boys bathed, fed (not in any certain order of course, though feeding before bath is usually the best way to do it) and to bed before 10pm...yup I said 10pm. In a house where daddy stays up all night at work, we somehow find ourselves staying up later and sleeping in later (when allowed). Its the truth and we have embraced our alternative sleep schedule. I have battled fevers, colds, pink eye, and anemia all by the grace of God and am thankful daily that those top our list of illnesses for the year.

Even with all the struggles, my boys are the source of such joy for me...they make me laugh and smile when I need it most and really these years I have with them are probably the most critical, so I am thankful for being able to stay home with them as much as I do.

I know this is only one year of my mommyhood with my boys, but with many more ahead I can say I am thankful that I have these daily struggles and lessons learned because I know that God is molding and shaping me even when I don't realize it.

Thank you Father for the gift of my children, may you give me patience for the next 17 years and continue to challenge me to become a better mommy. Happy late mother's day everyone, may you not forget the struggles, but always remember the victories!
